Contest Giveaway!
October 8, 2015
Seedy Stories: 8 Must-See Docs All About Seeds
October 13, 2015
Contest Giveaway!
October 8, 2015
Seedy Stories: 8 Must-See Docs All About Seeds
October 13, 2015

Even Small Victories Are Victories: Amy Millan of STARS

Amy Millan is best-known to many as a musician. But we are shining a light on her role as an environmental instigator: working with friends at USC Canada, she was a leader of the I Am A Seed Saver campaign to promote awareness of biodiversity, farmers’ rights and ecological agriculture. Amy will join us on our OPENING NIGHT as we celebrate her inspirational work – a reminder that there is an environmental activist in all of us.

We asked Amy a couple of questions ahead of the event – check out the interview below!

PiF: Sometimes it really does feel like we are living in the best of times – and the worst of times. Can you share with us why it’s a great time to be an activist?

Amy Millan: Social media can help you find like-minded activists and can help immensely with spreading your message. We are in an environmental crisis so the time has never been more crucial. Things DO change if you work for it, even small victories are victories.

PiF: What are some action steps people can take in their day-to-day lives that can help to undo the damage we’ve done to the planet?

Amy Millan: Buy local! Whether it’s food or clothes or wine. Support your local farmers and merchants. Buy organic. It’s a little more expensive I know, but it’s less harmful on the environment and sends the message that consumers want clean produce.

Amy Millan in I Am A Seed Saver campaign video

Amy Millan in I Am A Seed Saver campaign video 

PiF: It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information on Climate Change, environmental degradation, suffering communities, etc. What are some of the positive things that keep you optimistic?

Amy: There are many advances being made to deal with the tens and thousands of tons of garbage, even turning some directly into energy. It is now a political component to all elections which means people are paying attention and want change. Electric cars will start to become more accessible and affordable which will help ween us from our fossil fuel addiction.

PiF: How has being a musician informed your activism and, in turn, how has being an activist informed your music?

Amy: Being a citizen has informed my activism the most. Being a musician is a tool that helps me reach a wider audience. We are able to voice our beliefs and concerns directly to our fan base which makes things like voting encouragement for youth and seed saving awareness a possibility. It definitely bleeds it’s way into the music. Songs like “celebration guns” or “he lied about death” are more emotional outlets for the frustration and sadness that comes with staring in the eye of global corruption and greed. One fight at a time!


See Amy in person during OPENING NIGHT of PiF Film Festival in Toronto – Thursday October 22nd, The Royal Cinema, 6:30pm


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